Agronic Foods for organic farming - Siddharth Sancheti

Siddharth Sancheti

       Siddharth Sancheti is the founder and director of Agronic Foods. It works with 40,000 farmers to enable organized, organic farming. It produces a range of originally grown spices, herbs, grains, cereals, flours, cold-pressured oils, and many more products. He is from Rajasthan, India.

Agronic Foods



      Siddharth earned his initial education from Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College for a Bachelors's of computer applications. After that, he moved to the University of Melbourne for MBIT and business and entrepreneurship. In recent years he completed his Executive Edu - TSME and business administration and management from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.


  • He mentioned it in YourStory and many more startup magazines.


     At the point when his adored one was determined to have malignant growth, Siddharth Sancheti began trusting in the requirement for driving a solid way of life. As per him, burning-through natural and supported food was the initial phase in having a solid existence.
       At the point when the Jodhpur-based sprouting business person visited ranches, he watched a serious level of consumption of soil quality. This constrained him to begin a natural cultivating business that created sound ranch nourishments in a supportable way.
       In 2009, Siddharth and his sibling Mohnish Sancheti began Agronic Foods, which works with ranchers to empower coordinated, natural cultivating. The organization likewise guarantees the preparing and retailing of homestead produce is finished with adherence to quality standards.
      In this year, the 150 employee organization is expecting a Rs 40 crore turnover.

      The business is self-funded from the beginning. He started with Rs 3 lakh from my personal savings. He had the option of getting funds from my family, but he used my saving because he wanted to work on a low-cost model and grow the business gradually.
       It took a half year to break the primary arrangement. Endurance has been the greatest test from that point forward, as the business was generally unexplored. But they survived by doing one thing at a time and facing challenges with the attitude of never giving up.

We expected demand to grow by 100 percent in 2020-21, 60 percent in 2021-22 and 40 percent in 2022-23.

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