One of the finest branding agencies of India - Sandeep Namburu

Sandeep Namburu

      Sandeep Namburu is the founder of MAGSMEN. It is an brand consulting firm that brings up business-specific marketing plans and executes them with precision in both online and offline marketing. He is from Andhra Pradesh, India.




      Sandeep earned his initial college education from KI University, There he studied for a Bachelor of Technology in computer science. After that, he moved to Deakin University for Masters's in business administration, Logistics, Materials, and supply chain management. 


  • Managing partner of Jaya cotton products
  • Co-founder of Casa Ambiente management services

        After completing his studies he came back to India to begin his entrepreneurial journey. His desire to built things and create opportunities has always inspired him to become an entrepreneur. His stunning enthusiasm in perusing many books drove him to consistently remain inquisitive to learn things.
       After completing three months of launching his startup, the company has become one of the finest branding agencies in the city in creating an amazing word of mouth publicity strategies for small and medium business. Visualizing the concept and executing it was their unique proposition.
      Magsman is a trademark registered brand consulting firm located in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Every business has an amazing story to tell its consumer, emotional connection plays a huge role in the business at this current hyper-competition. With the ever-changing consumer mindset, the business always needs to focus on being consistent and updating themselves to the changes.

       At Magsman, they understand the client's needs, help them identify who exactly they want to target, and how precisely they need their business to develop. They offer services such as brand creation, brand expansion, digital marketing, content writing, promotions planning, website development, explainer video, storytelling videos, supply chain analytics, omnichannel marketing, and many more.
       A picture shows 1000 words, but an engaging storytelling video speaks 1000 pictures, videos play a crucial role in the current business industry. Their philosophy in building astounding ideas for the brands and executing them with the plan is mind-blowing.
When people use your brand name as a verb, then it's remarkable.

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