This 20-year-old student worked for global companies - Manit Kaushal


Manit Kaushal

      Manit Kaushal is the founder of the Blowout. It is a social media networking app to make your college and life fun. He is from West Lafayette, United States.




    Manit earned high school studies at Libertyville High School. After that, he joined Purdue University Bachelor of Science in computer science.


  • He featured in many startups magazines and entrepreneurship articles


     This computer science student worked for more than 5-6 global companies since a young age, including some top 50 fortune companies like state farm.
      He started his first venture at 16, which helped users connect with similar aspirations and dreams and grew it to 30,000 users before selling the patented tech in India. he has recently started working with his second company which is Blowout technologies. It provides a platform name "Blowout."
     It is a social media platform for students, faculty, and organizations to create and search trending events and groups on a school/college campus. Students have been using the mobile applications as it enables users to plan private or public channels of chats with unlimited members and makes it simpler for users to search trending groups and events through a feed around a campus.

     Manit, a computer science student founded blowout as his second company before selling his first company at 18 to another growing startup in India. Manit's US learning experience makes him introduce a better concept for students and budding professionals to connect.
      Since the app's launch in December 2020, This venture is already being used by thousands of students in more than 10 universities in India, Canada, and the US and still growing. The fresh new concept to attract small private groups and events has created an unbeatable buzz. 

Socializing and connecting at college made it easier, safer, and fun.


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